"Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
William Morris
Welcome to the Home Therapist!
Hi. I am Kirstie, an experienced Home Stylist, Organiser and Declutter specialist, passionate about helping clients create decluttered, refreshed and more functional homes. I believe that a decluttered and organised home environment promotes a happier, calmer, more productive lifestyle.
I provide clients many different services, tailoring them to their needs. These include:
If your home is feeling chaotic, tired, or you need some fresh ideas on how to get the best out of your space, please get in contact with me for a chat. I offer a free 30 minutes phone consultation so that I can get to understand your needs. From this I can discuss the process of work and next steps.
I look forward to hearing from you and helping make your home the place you've always dreamt of.
Ph: 0738 461 9585
Email: thehometherapistuk@gmail.com
Help with clearing and reorganising their homes making them less chaotic more productive and calmer spaces.
Help prepare a home ready for sale by advising on potential re-decorating, organising, rearranging furniture and accessorising to present the property in the best possible light to attract a buyer.
Work with clients who want to refresh their existing interior decoration / organisation / function without the financial outlay of a full costly renovation.